Modernizing Your Old Equipment Into New Process Systems
In our other blog post we outlined how Placer Process was able to modernize old process equipment into a state-of-the-art system for sweetener and ingredient hydration. You can read about Reuse Decommissioned Equipment Instead of Purchasing New here. In the post we detailed what we did to help the facility and in this post we are going to go over the specifics of that solution.
After our team identified the old equipment as being a prime candidate for modernization, we worked with the food and beverage manufacturer to move the old 500-gallon stainless steel tank with an agitator to Placer Process’ facilities where it could be refurbished and modernized to fit into the new system.
By removing the tank from the manufacturing facility it allowed Placer Process to design and fabricate the modernized equipment without interruption of the existing process lines. Once the new equipment was built, tested, and ready for installation, it was moved into the manufacturing facility and connected quickly to minimize production downtime.
At the end of the project our food and beverage manufacturing customer had a new system built from old equipment that included:
- Custom stainless-steel frame
- Sanitary Design for easy cleaning
- Footprint conscious design within an existing infrastructure
- Integrated transfer panel for system isolation
- Custom stainless-steel platform with safety rails
- Slip and chemical resilient grate for platform and stairs
- Safety interlocks to deactivate when the tank is accessed
- Custom stainless-steel guard for safer loading operations
If you are looking to modernize old equipment into new process systems call Placer Process today for a free consultation. Remember we are here to solve your toughest process system challenges.