Aim for A Refined Plant Expansion with Placer Process Sanitary Design Services

Designing a Process Plant Expansion to Meet Growing Consumers’ Demand

As recounted in our last blog post about Planning What’s Next In Your Upcoming Plant Expansion, Placer Process provided the expert sanitary and utility design services for the planning and budgeting for the expansion of an operating dairy plant. The customer was expanding their fluid milk plant to meet projected production demand with increasing product variety as well as rising output to their current dairy product lines. The customer required a process utility design to expand its current production capacity including:

  • Addition of a new filler and production line
  • Supporting raw processing equipment and batching tank with transfer piping
  • Pasteurizer to ensure the product meets the most current guidelines and be shelf-stable

The design called for careful consideration of receiving requirements, batching and holding tanks, and a clean-in-place system expansion. Placer Process’ design considered the alternative of optimizing its current clean-in-place (CIP) systems versus a new CIP system, considering value versus cost, capability, and practicality of an operating plant. The new design examined costs for manual and automatic options addressing the cost versus the operator interaction risk, tolerance, and preference.

For more details on this sanitary process design read, Thinking About What’s Next in Your Upcoming Plant Expansion Design

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