Planning Steps to Improve Clean-In-Place Systems for Wine, Beer, Food, Beverage, Alternative Specialty Food, and Cannabis Production

Clean-In-Place systems are a fantastic way to ensure that your wine, beer, food, beverage alternative specialty food, and cannabis production has no contaminants and has the maximum shelf life possible. Clean-In-Place systems can make the production more efficient, but there could be additional opportunities for improvements, particularly if the CIP system is older.

Here is a quick outline of the first steps involved to make CIP system improvements

Step 1: Audit Existing CIP Operations

Any evaluation of a process system starts with an audit. This provides a clear picture of the facility demands and highlights any possible problem areas. Without an audit it’s impossible to make appropriate recommendations.

Step 2: Strategies to Improve Cleaning

Once an audit is completed and analyzed it’s important to review the available strategies to improve cleaning. This could be as simple as adding better monitoring tools and automation, or the audit could point to needing modernized utilities to meet new facility demands. Whatever improvements can be made, the strategies are presented to the customer and together we decide on the improvements to be made.

Step 3: Detailed Design Planning

With an audit completed and desired strategies chosen the next step is for our seasoned team of process design engineers to create a detailed design plan to make the improvements. We take the whole facility into account to draft the most efficient plans for the clean-in-place improvement.

Step 4: Control & Automation

Once plans have been drafted and the design is approved the next step is to address controls and automation. With technology evolving more quickly than ever before it’s important to bring those improvements into the facility. By embracing new technology and processes in your CIP system, control and automation can go further and be easier for workers to operate.

Next Steps After the Planning

We have covered the first major steps in improving clean-in-place systems in food, beverage, wine, beer, alternative specialty foods, and cannabis facilities. With all of the planning completed the next steps is to take the project from the page to the plant through fabrication, installation, and even assisting with the start-up of the new CIP equipment.

We will cover these additional steps in our next blog but if you’d like more information about improving your facilities CIP system you can contact us directly at (916) 782-5212 or read more about improving CIP system operations here.

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