Overcoming Challenges with Process Steam Optimization

A common issue with expanding facilities is that the original equipment installed when first opening can fall behind the demand of an ever expanding plant. One of our customers found themselves in a similar situation where they were unable to run all of the processes at the same time due to a process steam system that was over capacity. This means the facility was running less optimally than it could which directly effected the bottom line and what the plant was able to produce.

Our customer needed a thorough steam study in their entire facility to be able to make appropriate upgrades to the plant in order to meet not only the existing demand but future demands. Our seasoned engineers at Placer Process jumped at the task to provide a thorough and accurate steam study taking into account tall steam usage points and accounting for the various amounts of steam required by different processes.

Sanitary Process Steam Optimization

Through an on-site investigation of steam headers and tie-in branches to determine the path of all steam lines and meticulous documentation our team was able to provide the customer with valuable information about the facility so the managers could make informed decisions about how to expand.

For more information about this steam study click here

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