Innovative Sustainable Process Cleaning and Sanitizing Systems

Our teams at Placer Process are always innovating and thinking ahead. Recently there has been a focus on global environmental concerns as it is becoming more important to our customers working in the food, beverage, beer, wine, cannabis, and alternative food industries. Often these projects include features that conserve and make optimal use of water and chemicals.

A specific example of this technology is a project where we developed a more sustainable table washer sanitizing system for a vegetable and fruit producer that was using hydroponics. This method itself is not only more sustainable but it allows for greater control over the environment for ideal growing conditions with minimal resources.

Sustainable Table Washer Sanitizing System

Placer Process was hired for the project to further improve this facility by developing a more sustainable table washer sanitizing system. Our seasoned team of engineers designed a system that took several important factors into account including consistent sanitizing of reusable trays through the monitoring of sanitizer concentration and automated adjustments for the ideal solution.

You can read more about this solution and the project by reading the full case study here

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