Placer Process is well known for delivering superior designs for food, beverage, dairy, and milk production facilities. Our team of engineers takes a holistic approach to our customers facilities allowing for better designs that cut costs and improve efficiency. A great example of this type of ingenuity is when our engineers provided significant cost savings for our customer who was producing various sauces in their production plant.
With various batches of products ranging from oils and water-based sauces to thick peanut-butter based sauces our customer was initially planning on using two process streams. At face value this seemed like the strongest solution but after an audit and consulting with our seasoned engineers, it became clear that a single dynamic food processing system was a better option.
Instead of investing in two streams that would require double the amount of piping, instrumentation, utility systems and cleaning operations, our customer elected to hire Placer Process to build the single dynamic processing system. Not only did this provide cost savings from the standpoint of raw materials and equipment, but it also eliminated unnecessary complexity for the design and implementation of the facilities processing lines.
Our customer was extremely pleased with the result as a prominent feature of the system reduced solids loss through well considered skid piping design and routing to maximize product transfer to the filler. As always our team designed and built the system using components that comply with sanitary design best practices and implementing control sequence protocols for a more efficient product push and recovery.
Read more about this dynamic single system that reduced cost and increased efficiency here