Filtration System Benefits for Winemaking

A premier producer of wine and various spirits reached out to Placer Process for help in their final steps of their wine production. Like many winemakers, our customer in San Joaquin County wanted to add “polish” to their quality wine before it was bottled at the facility. Not only did they need to add this additional finishing step to their existing wine production process but it needed to be reliable and repeatable.

This polishing of wine is done through a filtration system which brings many benefits including:

  • Enhanced appearance
  • Lightened color
  • Shortened aging time
  • Increased wine stability
  • Reduced chances of re-fermentation after bottling

Every winemaker has their own process and methodology and not all features of filtration are desired. Working with the seasoned engineers at Placer Process our customer was able to get the type of filtration that was ideal to the products they were creating in a design that fit the specifications of the facility. If you have a winery or wine making facility that needs specific filtration systems to achieve the desired product quality contact Placer Process today for an estimate.

For more information you can read the full case study of wine filtration here

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