Clean-In-Place (CIP) systems are not always a one-size-fits-all solution. Each system to be integrated with the automated CIP system may have many factors that should be taken into consideration for a proper and efficient implementation of a CIP system. For example, it is vital to review the exisisting facility’s capacity, any roadblocks, and its future potential capacity to see if the current process infrastructure, piping, and utilities required for the CIP system is adequate or whether they need to be upgraded or expanded with the existing process and utility line.
Not all facilities have the same requirements or goals as others and depending on what type of product is being produced, the CIP will need to meet different requirements. All of our successful projects start with an evaluation of your process facility or manufacturing plant so that it is clear what existing capacity is available and if any additional utilities need to be accounted for prior to the design and installation of a CIP system.

A great example is how some facilities required fermentation tanks, pasteurization system, and clarification processes that other food and beverage facilities do not require. They may need similar functions within the facilities but they may choose to utilize different technologies that have different mechanical components and requirements for CIP. These types of details require nuance in how the systems are designed and fabricated so that at the end of the project you have a CIP system that is automated, easy to monitor, and adds to your bottom line instead of creating problems and issues.
If you’re looking for more information on how a CIP system designed and installed by Placer Process can help you bottom line and overall product production process please call us at 916-782-5212 or you can read the full article on this topic here.